• carolina handling customer portal

    Your time is valuable. Take advantage of our free and secure online account services to easily access important documents and submit payments.

  • access your documents

    Access Your Documents

    View work orders, statements and invoices using our online document access portal. You can also look back at previous orders and payments by reviewing your history.

  • electronic payments

    Make Electronic Payments

    Submitting online payments is easy and secure through the online billing portal. When you log in, you can approve and pay invoices online as well as add notes to invoices and share them with your Accounts Receivable Coordinator.

  • customer portal

    Master the Customer Portal

    We've done our best to make the customer portal as intuitive as possible, but every change has its nuances. We're here to help. Get answers to all of your portal-related questions by checking out our frequently asked questions.

Get Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

What are the new billing changes for Carolina Handling customers?  

Customers will receive invoices electronically rather than through the mail unless they choose both electronic and print delivery methods. Customers will receive invoice notifications to their email, and they can view, print, and pay invoices though the online billing portal.  

How will I know when my bill is available?

You will receive an email notification with a link to the invoicing/payment site. The email notification will also include a PDF attachment of your invoice.

Will I be trained on how to use the portal?

There will be no formal training on the customer portal. However, you can ask your Accounts Receivable Coordinator to review the portal with you, or email [email protected] for assistance. 

How do I get access to the online billing portal?

You can access the online billing portal by going to https://secure.billtrust.com/carolinahandling/ig/signin and clicking “Sign Up Now.”

When you sign up, you will be sent an activation link via email in to activate your online account. You may also need to contact [email protected] via email to request the Enrollment Token. 

Who will the activation email be sent to, and can multiple people have authority to log into the portal?

The email will be sent to the primary contact. This contact will serve as the administrator for the site and can add additional users with specified privileges. The invoice can be sent to multiple users as well. 

Will the invoice look different?

Yes. Carolina Handling will be redesigning customer invoices with a fresher look and feel. 

Can I pay invoices online?

Yes. In fact, we encourage customers to take advantage of the online payment method through ACH.

Do have to pay online?

At this time, online payment is not mandatory, but we encourage you to take advantage of this convenient service.

What payment method does the portal accept?

You will be able to pay via ACH or with a credit card. (Note there is a fee of 2.5% for all online credit card transactions.)

Since the invoices will be online, will I be able to receive a print bill as well? Is each invoice printable on the portal?

At this time, you can request to receive a print bill in addition to receiving an electronic notification. You will also be able to log into the portal to view, print and pay your invoices.

Will the bill of lading be available online?

At this time, the bill of lading will not be available in the portal.  

Will I be able to upload the bill of lading to the portal to keep with my invoices?

No. At this time, you will need to continue your current process for managing the bill of lading with the invoices.

How long will my records be available on the online portal?

Bills will be stored and viewable for one year. Invoices that were processed prior to the portal’s go live date will not be stored. Please contact Customer Service to request invoices prior to 9/1/21. 

Will the invoice be attached to the email notification?

Yes. The invoice will be attached to the email notification as a PDF.

If I choose to continue to receive paper bills, will I still be able to view the bills on the portal?

Yes. You will still be able to log into the portal to view, download, and pay your invoices regardless of whether you receive a paper bill.

Will each document have its own file, or will any of them be bundled together?

The files will be bundled together.

Can I complete my credit application online?

Yes. The credit application is available at the following link: https://applicant.creditapp.billtrust.com/applicant/5eb13887-9ab9-4b3b-8145-d8c69582c631/form/a749c3dc-9a32-4444-85e3-570d44a44df9

Contact Customer Service

Have a question about the portal that we did not answer above? Our Customer Service team is available to help.